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Derma Stamp


Stimulate hair growth with our advanced Derma Stamp. It's specially designed to stimulate scalp circulation, enhance hair thickness, improve topical solution efficiency, and awaken dormant hair follicles

"Okay, the derma stamp is legit. It was kind of new to me, and I was only using the oil with minoxidil but now my hair's density is noticeably better."

Maria Alvarez

Verified buyer

Frequently Bought Together

  • Derma Stamp (This item)


  • Mane Elixir Blend


Using a Derma Stamp, can offer several benefits, particularly for skin and hair health. Here are the 5 mane benefits:

1. Fuller Hair Naturally:
- Derma stamps have been proven to grow fuller, thicker hair naturally.

2. Supercharge Serums:
- Enhance your hair growth progress, a quick derma stamp session boosts your scalp’s uptake of serums, driving faster, better results.

3.Scalp Reboot:
- Hit the refresh button on your scalp health. Regular derma stamping stimulates the scalp, fostering an environment where strong hair can thrive.

4. Nutrient Boost:
- Turn micro-tears into major growth factors. The Derma stamper's microtears are help, channel vital nutrients right where you need them.

5. Affordable Home Solution:
- Bring the salon to your home. With derma stamp, professional-grade hair revival isn't just affordable it’s right in your hands.

It’s important to clean the derma stamp after each use to prevent infections. While they are extremely rare its best to use isopropyl alcohol to sterilize the needles.

Using a derma stamp on the scalp is generally considered safe and side effects are rare when used properly. Thanks to the needles' vertical penetration, they minimize trauma to the skin which can reduce the risk of side effects. As a precaution and to maximize the benefits, after using the derma stamp, wait about 6 hours before applying products like minoxidil. This helps enhance the absorption of the product while minimizing any potential irritation that can occur when the scalp's pores are open. Always ensure that you are using the derma stamp according to the provided instructions and maintain good hygiene to avoid any complications.

For optimal results, we recommend using the dermastamp 1-2 times per week. This frequency allows your scalp to reap the benefits of the treatment while giving your skin enough time to recover between sessions. Consistent use as part of your regular hair care routine can contribute to the best possible outcomes for your hair's health and growth.

Essential For Your Hair Growth Routine

Boost the effectiveness of your hair growth regimen with our expert designed tool.

It's engineered to enhance the absorption of topical treatments, ensuring that every drop feeds your roots.


Increased Topical Absorption "Most users see a 15-20% increase in hair density after a course of microneedling treatments over several months. The procedure can notably enhance the absorption of topical treatments like minoxidil"


Blood Flow to Scalp "A particular study mentioned by Wellaholic indicated that scalp RF microneedling could increase hair density by up to 40% after 12 weeks of treatment."


Minoxidil Effectiveness "A study comparing microneedling to minoxidil showed that at week 12, the group receiving microneedling had a significantly greater mean change in hair count compared to the group using minoxidil alone (91.4 vs 22.2 respectively)"

Our Mane Features

Our Stamp Vs Alternatives

Our derma stamp is the MANE choice.

Our Derma Stamp
Derma Roller
Microneedling Pen
Gentle on Hair
Adjustable Length
Easy to Clean

Derma Stamp Instructions

For those who still have questions...

Voices of the Mane Community

  • Jasmine Nalls

    "I was hesitant to try this tool, but my nurse practitioner recommended it, so I decided to give it a go. It’s painless and does exactly what I need. I use it once a week or every other week along with the elixir blend, and it has greatly improved my hair's quality. I highly recommend it!"

  • Lerato Mokoena

    "Adjustable and practical, this tool is straightforward to use and provides excellent value for its intended use. I've experienced no problems with it; this is my second purchase so I can use separate stamps for hair and skin applications. I'm very pleased with my purchase."

  • Jose Dela Cruz

    "I never thought this little device would be so beneficial for my scalp. It feels strange on your head. A friend has started growing hair in spots where he was completely bald, and his skin was shiny from lack of hair. That's why I bought it. I've seen the results in my friend. It's incredible to see hair growing where the pores were completely closed. Im not a native english speaker but I hope that makes sense."

  • Liam O'Connor

    "I must say, after all my research, I am happy with this. It's easy to use, not as painful as I anticipated, and very easy to clean. Most importantly, the results are good! This is a game changer."

  • Michael Luther

    "This tool has helped my hair growth. Consistent my use over the past three months has truly paid off. A great investment for anyone struggling with hair thinning."

  • Olivia Volkov

    "I've always used rollers, which were quite painful, so I decided to try this and was impressed. Any tool that punctures your skin won't be entirely comfortable, but pushing instead of rolling is more bearable. This tool works great for both my face and hair, and adjusting the height is simple."

  • John Hargrove

    "So much better than a roller, with adjustable depth. I can feel it puncturing my skin, but it’s not uncomfortable."

  • Ethan Caldwell

    "Absolutely a 5-star product, it works exactly as advertised. I found it very easy to use perfect for those with longer hair who don't want rollers getting tangled. The adjustable needle lengths are ideal for starting off gently."

  • Emily Blakemore

    "Arrived in excellent condition in a sterile package absolutely love it!"

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Derma Stamp


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